Data Security & Building Cyber Resilience Event

In today’s digital age, it is crucial for businesses to protect sensitive information and maintain robust cyber defences. We co-hosted a breakfast meeting with the French Chamber of Commerce Kenya to discuss Data Security and Building Cyber Resilience in organizations. The event, led by Mbabu Muturi, Head of Cyber and Technology at Adili Group, and Wangui Kaniaru, Partner at ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna, provided valuable insights into the world of AI – emerging trends, risks and use cases. They also discussed the need for safeguarding businesses against evolving cyber threats.

At Adili Group, we maintain a modern Cyber Defence Operations Centre (CDOC) where we monitor cyber risks on behalf of our clients as a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). The centre is part of a network of centres of excellence and enables us to assess global threats and incidents as they develop. Our Centre provides live monitoring and response to emerging issues and improves the proactive defence of our client’s systems, data, and reputation.

For further information, please contact us at

June 30, 2024