Building a Resilient Family Business: Succession, Governance and Risk

Adili Group recently hosted an insightful family business event that addressed succession planning, governance, leadership talent, and risk management. The event opened with remarks from Chris Diaz EBS and featured a keynote speech by Frank Mwiti, CEO of Nairobi Securities Exchange PLC, who underscored the importance of strategic leadership, diversification of investments, and ensuring business continuity.

The panel session, moderated by Atiq S. Anjarwalla, included a unique set of leading family business owners, next-generation leaders, and Adili experts who provided diverse perspectives on effective governance structures, the role of the younger generation in sustaining family businesses, the critical role to be played by elder statesmen in developing the discussion with the younger generation and professional advisors for the long term sustainability of their family businesses, and strategies for navigating business risk and building resilient enterprises.

At Adili Group, we are committed to empowering family businesses in East Africa with comprehensive end-to-end services. Our broad experience in governance, risk, succession and estate management, coupled with our impartial standing, equips us to safeguard our clients’ assets as executors with access to an expert legal team.

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July 26, 2024